Drip Marketing for banks is an effective way of targeting prospects with information that will lead them to become a new customer and to buy into add-on services once the initial relationship has been established. Marketing regularly to existing clients is more productive than continually seeking new business from others, and this is especially true when there’s a multi-faceted range of products or services available.
Drip marketing for banks and credit unions: Broad or focused — which is best?
Download the guide to text messaging for mortgage lenders.
The range of products and services at banks and credit unions can be significant, from mortgages to Christmas clubs and all in-between. Client relationships can be hard to acquire, so your marketing strategy is often better focused on expanding existing relationships. It’s still necessary of course to continue marketing to obtain brand new business, but even that can be more successful when seeking referrals from existing clients vs. fishing blind in open waters.
Many financial services from banks and credit unions are something that a client may need only a handful of times in their adult life. Once they’ve opened a savings account, how soon will they need another? Hence, focused marketing for savings accounts going out to customers that already have one is not going to be fruitful. Yet, the cross-sell opportunities with that client can be many, and that can make for a far better marketing campaign.
For instance, young adult savers building up their account may soon become prospects for a mortgage loan. Regular passbook savers may also be interested in moving accumulated funds into a CD in order to earn a higher yield.
A mortgage client will be a good candidate for a HELOC or even a new auto loan soon after they’ve closed on a home. Does your bank or credit union offer financial services; brokerage or college savings accounts; or other investment services? If so, new homeowners may also be ripe for these services now that saving for their home is behind them and they begin to think longer term.
A properly focused, yet still diversified drip marketing strategy based on the prospective client’s potential and likely needs is the best approach.
Email marketing only or multi-channel drip marketing campaigns?
The more diversified your marketing strategy and efforts, the greater the likelihood of reaching your prospects. Not everyone is going to open their emails. Texting can be a better option, as the open rates are far higher. As old fashioned as it may seem, even direct-mail marketing is at least assured to be seen and held, even if only for a moment.
The key, of course, is to make multiple and diverse “impressions.” These can be tangible or digital. Either way, and over time, the familiarity builds and so too can the conscious or sub-conscious decision to reach out when your target is ready for another one of your products.
The combination of mediums helps to assure better reach. Keeping your branding consistent across all channels will help enhance recognition and maybe even create that ever important loyalty factor too.
Persistence in Drip Marketing Campaigns Pays Off
The key with drip marketing, just as it sounds, is to keep it going. Whether you use steady or odd-interval timing matters less than for your prospects to never forget the company, their contact, the products available and most importantly, not what benefits you, but what benefits them. Your messaging should be consistent, just like your branding.
Whatever you build your brand on — customer service, value, professionalism, etc. – be sure that always stays true in all messaging and mediums. In other words, if you want to be known for your approach and practices, own them, and never let your prospects wonder what you’re all about.
How is multi or even omni channel marketing handled efficiently?
Drip marketing for banks and credit unions handling a large list of clients and prospects can be overwhelming unless you have a system built for exactly that. Fortunately, this kind of system is not something you have to have built for you. A marketing strategy encompassing comprehensive, consistent, and persistent touches can be handled easily and for the most part, can even be automated.
A mortgage CRM system such as Surefire is loaded with pre-built campaigns and award-winning content that can be used off-the-shelf or customized as you please. Simply uploading your prospects and client lists, then employing “rules” to initiate automated workflows as milestones or triggers occur is really all it takes.
Once you are in the habit of regularly adding new clients and prospects into the same system, your campaigns will go on to continue reaching more prospects for your variety of services at just the right time, and that of course, means a steady stream of leads and prospects to keep your goals behind you.
Automated drip marketing campaigns give you the time and bandwidth to treat your clients in a way that is best for them. Happy clients mean more referrals, and that keeps the machine running smoothly.
If you have not seen how easily a mortgage CRM can handle your business, even one that extends far past mortgage loans alone, then click here for a Surefire demo today.

Brian Larrabee
Content Director
Brian’s entire professional career has centered in real estate. He’s designed, built and brokered homes. He’s provided over half a billion dollars in mortgage loan financing to everyone from first time-buyers to the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies He’s a published author with articles in periodicals,
hedge fund websites and trade publications. Brian has traveled the country and been on broadcast radio to speak in front of hundreds of his industry contemporaries. He’s also created and developed hundreds of educational products from print to digital used throughout the U.S. and beyond, which make the process of buying and financing a home easier for all. Brian is a father, real estate investor, outdoorsman, pilot, skier, golfer and plays ice hockey in several men’s leagues every week of the year.