Nobody does. In this market, every minute counts. Get all those dialing and voicemail hours BACK with Power Calls for Surefire CRM . Whether you’re calling prospects, walking applicants through each milestone, or acting as the mortgage consultant for your lifelong clients, Power Calls makes outbound a breeze.

Surefire CRM Power Calls
Got Time for Outbound Calling?
Surefire CRM Triples the Speed of Outbound Calling with Power Calls
Want to Cut Call Time Down 66%?
Using Power Calls lets you queue and dial a series of related or unrelated borrowers, and leave pre-recorded voicemails while you dial the next number. Make your calls in a block and automatically schedule more calls inside Surefire CRM. Stop spending hours preparing your call list–spend minutes making the calls instead.

Power Calls Features
- Spin up and call an entire list of people one after another, automatically
- Leave a pre-recorded voicemail while next call dials, no waiting
- Integrated with Surefire CRM — auto dial and track your leads
- Pre-written or customizable scripts — easy to record and drop to voicemail
- Use your own phone number or use the prospect’s local area code
- Segment and filter contacts for customized voice messages

Reach Out to Request a Live Power Calls Demo
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