If you want not just to achieve success in digital mortgage marketing but also to be a leader in thought, practice and results, then having a system to maintain, organize and facilitate distributions to your contacts is a must. A database of past clients, prospects, applicants and referral partners can otherwise be unwieldy.
Organization, process, and efficiency are all critical in order to provide a time vs. value equation that makes sense and helps you to prosper.
Download the guide to text messaging for mortgage lenders.
A good mortgage CRM allows users to add, group and distribute marketing messages in many ways. Simple list creation to quickly share the opportunity of the moment, to data-based drip flows running for as long as it takes to convert a lead, and all the way to perpetual past client touches as often as you like.
An attempt to mimic the capabilities of a good mortgage CRM to maintain any kind of marketing strategy to all categories of potential prospects would be an overwhelming task to handle manually. Today’s mortgage CRMs can be automated to deliver everything from loan anniversary, holiday and birthday greetings to all manner of educational marketing content, so you keep your name on the tips of tongues all year long without ever giving it a second thought.
Loan officers, mortgage bankers, brokers and marketing admins can all benefit from the “set it and forget it” approach to maintain solid and friendly relationships with past clients and referral partners alike.
There’s simply no need to ever attempt manual approaches to marketing campaigns. And there’s certainly no way you would ever reach digital marketing leader status by attempting to keep up with and achieving the rates of success on your own. Timely and relevant marketing that’s automated and never skips a beat is always going to be your best bet.
Good mortgage brokers should be far too busy to waste precious time marketing when they can be servicing prospects that have already reached out for help instead.
Automation is key to maximizing lead generation.
Busy loan officers need to concentrate on responding to leads vs. trying to generate them. Automation of outbound digital marketing campaigns eliminates the human component in the creation, and most importantly, the timeliness of the ever-important initial response to a new prospect. There’s nothing better than an immediate human interaction, but in reality, that’s just not always going to be possible. In the absence of a friendly voice, an immediate text response assuring that the respondent’s inquiry is important and that it will be addressed as soon as possible is the next best thing.
We live in a world where potential clients feel a sense of priority or entitlement, and providing them at least with some immediate gratification helps to appease that.
Digital marketing leaders are not just made but must continue to evolve.
It’s hard enough to be a successful marketer. It’s harder still to keep up with the ever-present changes – social site popularity and formats, prospect interaction, SEO rules and strategies, regulations and compliance…the list goes on.
Yet, to truly be a leader in the field, and in turn, in the success of your business as a result, you must continue to grow, change and adapt. At a minimum, having a system at the core of your efforts that can evolve with you will make the process far easier than going it alone.
Systems for lead generation and management that can work for individuals or be parsed round robin style exist in modern mortgage CRMs.
Obtaining and maintaining digital marketing leadership is as much a matter of doing what you do best and letting systems designed and built by industry pros do the rest. With decades of experience in mortgage marketing and content creation, in concert with the best developers to handle the programming, purveyors of mortgage CRM systems can be your most valuable partners.
Marketing strategies in a box
Perhaps the best things about robust mortgage CRMs are the ready-built marketing campaigns, workflows and in-process reporting that allow not only for quick starts, but for easy customization to boot. Whether it’s a simple tweak to adjust marketing copy to your market’s particulars or fine tuning for your specific target audience, being able to hit the street running saves valuable time.
Being a digital marketing leader is more than just the content, the mechanics and results. It means being a pioneer, never afraid to change, and being ahead of the curve when it comes to your marketing efforts.
Good marketers react to the market changes and distribute content and campaigns appropriate to the times. Digital marketing leaders, the great ones, go one better. They work in anticipation of the next direction, ahead of upcoming changes. They have the content and the system ready to arm their referral partners, clients and prospects when they can take action in advance, rather than being stuck reacting.
Catering to your clients’ interests, yet all in the process of building your brand and your business to create a self-perpetuating marketing machine, is possible, and it’s possible today.
In today’s rising rate environment, it’ll never be more important than to get your marketing geared up for the times ahead. Ready to see what your business can look like with a world class mortgage CRM at the core of your efforts? Just click here for a Surefire demo today.

Brian Larrabee
Content Director
Brian’s entire professional career has centered in real estate. He’s designed, built and brokered homes. He’s provided over half a billion dollars in mortgage loan financing to everyone from first time-buyers to the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies He’s a published author with articles in periodicals,
hedge fund websites and trade publications. Brian has traveled the country and been on broadcast radio to speak in front of hundreds of his industry contemporaries. He’s also created and developed hundreds of educational products from print to digital used throughout the U.S. and beyond, which make the process of buying and financing a home easier for all. Brian is a father, real estate investor, outdoorsman, pilot, skier, golfer and plays ice hockey in several men’s leagues every week of the year.